home jobs
*M@R!* asked:

I have been looking for a home based buisness that I can do part-time, hopefully turn into full-time. There are so many out there, I don’t want to waist my money on scams. Does anyone know of any or have any ideas?

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home based business
Heather R asked:

I started one that has a start up free of $170 and I only have to do MY PART for about 10/15 min. Then the product sells its self. I just sit back, eat yummy food, visit and enjoy myself. I walk away with money that day.

I am wondering if anyone besides myself is interested in starting up something like this that sells itself? Or has home based businesses stopped being a fad? I want to grow my business, help people see how fun and easy it is without being a pressure upline person. I only want to do a couple of parties a month but want to be encouraging of someone who signs up under me wants to do 20 a month or 40 a month. Do you think that there are people out there frustrated with the one they are in or ready to jump ship and hit a fresh new idea?

Do you like Tattoo’s ?

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home based
Carmen asked:

Hello all, I have been looking for a while, to work from home. I would like to find something that really grabs me. I am not a sales person. Could not BS my way out of a paper bag!! Any suggestions???? I would like to find something Real. Thanks, Carmen

Ps, I do not have allot of money to start up!

Swap a Shirt

home business opportunity
Jenny asked:

I am looking to work from home and need some ideas of good business ventures that don’t take a lot of start-up money. Have any of you done work from home and can share your experiences and what you did and the money you made etc. Thanks so much!

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home based
tom asked:

Looking for a good home based job.We’re not really hurting for money,my wife and I would just like to spend more time at home with our children.Does anyone know of a free start up home job,one that you don’t have to complete stupid offers and such?Please help.Thank you!

Swap a Shirt
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home based
buzzmaster88 asked:

that does not cost notting to start up, or very little start up free. And can 500.00 to 5000.00 mouth. work the hour you want. and do not have to do notting ,and can make money 24 hours a day with little to no work need. thanks you

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