home jobs
Analia R asked:

I have been running a home based online travel business, specializing in trips to South America for about 3 years now. I am still trying to find out the best way to spend the money I set aside for marketing/advertising. I found out that trade shows are too expensive and do not produce results I’d hoped for. Is it worthwile hiring a PR/Marketing consultant?
Thank you
Analia Rupar
Eureka Travel

home business opportunity
King of CancĂșn asked:

I have been researching a home based business opportunity called Traverus Travel and I’m always sketchy about them. This one sounded good, but after reading some things on it I’m not sure anymore. It’s basically an MLM (multi-level marketing), but compared to others it sounded like it could work. Does anyone know anything about this company or anyone that works for them that could help me out?

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