home business opportunity
Fito asked:

What are they exactly? If they are legit, how do they work?

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home based
Angel H asked:

What do you think about a home based business do you think it’s worth it calling people or trying to sell a product?

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online jobs
texascherub28 asked:

I have my own website for my home based company amd had a question on here that was removed saying I was advertising, how can I get around that?

home based
Manny V asked:

I run a home-based biz selling ladies apparel. whats the best marketing appoach?

I presently use word-mouth as the best way and try to network. I’m trying to avoid advertising and attracting unknown strangers into my home.

Any suggestions?

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home based
Mexempt asked:

I have a home based business and two full time jobs. Someone told me I should claim 9 exemptions on my W4’s for my jobs, because I have a business. Is this legal? If so what kind of exemptions could I claim?

Website Chat
home jobs
rolleta718 asked:

IM 18 im looking for a real real real real REALLY REAL online businesses im tired of looking at ads and going to search engine have to look at every websites and saying well this is the best blah blah i don’t want no mlm, no affiliates, nothing that i have to pay 50$ or 70$ a month, im talking about real online business something i can really do i see real money full income, I live in new york and I just can’t find nothing im tired dammit!! I want to see a real company who can give me an opportunity to success and A real one please somebody no bots real people give me a website that nice expensive that im paying for no reasons please!!!!! A real online business, home based business company!!

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online jobs
M W asked:

What do you do for safety at your home based massage business?
By home based, I mean either in your home or in the clients home. Have you ever had a bad experience? if so what happened?
ANYONE’s ideas are appreciated!

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home jobs
Detta asked:

Very hard to sift through whats a scam and whats not – ”pay 2 dollars a month and earn 1000/week?” c’mon…any advice for me or a point in the right direction

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