online jobs
M W asked:

What do you do for safety at your home based massage business?
By home based, I mean either in your home or in the clients home. Have you ever had a bad experience? if so what happened?
ANYONE’s ideas are appreciated!

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keswickian on 2 March, 2009 at 4:54 pm #

I would have a room set up for my business and have security cameras to protect your self from any chance of impropriety also have a change room for the privacy of clients and maybe have a receptionist.

rmbrruffian on 5 March, 2009 at 10:53 am #

I would never have clients come to my home. I don’t WANT them to know where I live. If they know where I live, what’s to stop them from pounding on my door at 2 a.m. for a massage?
I have a friend who does home nursing. She had a client that exposed himself. She requested to be taken off his case. The old perv was given a male nurse, because she wasn’t the only one he did that to.
When dealing with in home care, you need to listen to your gut. If your gut is telling you something is wrong, listen. We have these feelings for a reason. To let us know we are not safe. We get into trouble when we don’t listen.

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