passout flyer, post bullitons about it ne where on the internet, and make a myspace page and start adding random people
join a local breakfast group to network with other independent business owner. NETWORK. Get your name and product out there.
I would go around to local businesses that are health concious such as health clubs, health food stores, GNC, and see if you can put up flyers…it really depends on what you are offering. Put an ad in your local paper, order some pens, and hand those out to random people, pens travel fast someone is always needing one so they are always passing hands. Join the chamber of commerce in your community. put together some small samples and hand those out at community events. Your best advertisement is mouth to mouth. you could also get a magnet with your logo on it and attach it to your car, can you say tax deduction~anywhere you drive for your business you can write off part of your gas, or your mileage on your taxes. You could start up your own website and have it come up when you do searches, you’ll have to find out more aobut that b/c i don’t know much about it. Go to the library, or a used bookstore, or college or online bookstore and get a (new or used in the past few years) text book out on marketing and learn new tricks from that. Good Luck
If you have a limited budget I would look into Google’s adwords campaign. You set the budget, and you don’t pay unless it brings someone to your site. You can even determine how much you want to pay per click.