So make sure you floss. And I like to use hydrogen peroxide. It’s H2O2 – that is, water with one extra oxygen molecule. I cut it about half with warm water and rinse, hold it in you mouth for awhile. It’s inexpensive and will really help with oral hygene.
And yes, get off cola and as much sweet stuff as you can stand.
Brush your teeth with baking soda, make a paste with water, it takes about two weeks…to see a difference though.
brush ur teeth with mustard oil and salt in it…it kinda hurts for few mins, but it works so depends on u if u wanna try or not
Aside from the flossing,brushing and not smoking this could all be to no avail if you (get ready) don’t brush the inside of your mouth.
That’s right, not your teeth, but your tongue, regularly. From back (as far back as you can before you trigger your wretching reflex.) towards the front in a sweeping motion. And your cheeks, upper and lower palate sweeping down from the roof and up from the bottom.
Not too fast, or vigorously, this could cause erosion of your gums.
Easy on the baking soda as it is an abrasive that can lead to removing the enamel shine and be prone to discolour in the future. Try hot water instead and repeating no more than every 36hrs. Sounds odd, but it works. Tongue scrapers are now seen in western stores but they have been used for centuries in other countries. My gums and teeth are fine after seeing them in decline and seeking out this information years ago.
Hello Mukulfai… and greetings from the USA.
Below are a few websites that could be useful.
Use Fitkari powder n massage on ur teeth as well on gums gently for 3 min twice in a day or atleast once in the morning before using toothpaste.