The very best thing you can do is use article marketing and social bookmarking to drive free traffic to your business. I have used these methods to dominate niche markets and have surpassed companies with multi-million dollar budgets.
If you want to know the details see the source area for my just released ebook:
do everything that expertauthorsecrets said above
Hi Regina,
I have good news for you. Here is a place you can advertise for free. NO gimmicks, no spam, you need to do nothing in return except to agree to look at others websites for about 10 minutes a day. how easy is that? It gets better. They will also pay you to do it.
A few things:
1. Don’t believe anything on the internet that says you can make money at home.
2. Don’t offer to pull out a credit card for a company or business you can’t do a search on Yahoo and find out some info first
3. Don’t try any business you can’t actually find anyone who has been successful at it.
I was a struggling realtor/home flipper here in Florida and going through my life savings with bad real estate investments. A local successful businessman told me about a company and I checked them out thoroughly.
You can contact me and i will give you the info you need to check it out for FREE! No credit card or personal info asked for ever. This is a real company you can check out on the BBB, you can google the successful owner/ceo. He just won a national award for this business and received it personally from President Bush.
I will also give you actual people you can call and ask their experience and a chatroom (not associated with company) where you can talk to others in the company. No selling vitamins or health drinks or any crap like that.
This is an internet advertising company that is gearing to be the biggest internet presence since Google/Face book and the owners philosophy is, instead of making one owner and a bunch of stockholders rich it will be us, the people who got in early and built company.
You can contact me at and I will personally help you.
i personally use TheSpyderWeb marketing system with a very good result i having a lot of prospect that a can talk about my business opportunity and make money with the marketing system it´s great.