A search for ReGenessis comes up with the URL. This is a sponsored link, in other words a paid advertisement. The entire entry is:
“ReGenesis 2×2 Top Earner Chris Campbell Creates The Hottest System In The Top Program of 2009.”
According to the web site at the link below he’s just another scammer. To quote the web site: (page down near the bottom.)
“Chris Campbell
This joker runs a bunch of sites including ‘23andfilthyrich.com’ and ‘getrichwithchris.com’. He’s a 20 something nobody who still lives in Daddy’s house and uses pictures of his Dad’s cars to try and bolster his ludicrous claims that he is a ’successful internet marketer making $3000 a day’. Judging by his haircut and the clothes he wears in his poorly photoshopped scammy promotional pictures, the Masked Guru doubts he makes $3000 a YEAR. If you sign up for his ’service’ you will find nothing inside but a bundle of ‘reseller’ ebooks, all out of date, and all available for free on the web. Chris Campbell is a classic case of ‘fake it till you make it’. Unfortunatley for Chris Campbell, it’s unlikely he will ever ‘make it’, and will most likely end up living with Ma & Pa till he’s 50.”
As a practical matter, you simply can’t make the kind of money he’s talking about. If you could, everybody would do it and the market would be so saturated that nobody would succeed. It’s kind of of a self-fulfilling failure. If it doesn’t work, it’s a failure. If it did work, it would be a failure so soon that nobody could make it work and it would be a failure.