janitorial cleaning bussiness. 3 years gross is 150.000 . does not cost a lot eathier
I love what I do and it is a home based business. The company is really great and is a BBB member as well as a US Chamber of Commerce member which certainly gave me confidence in the beginning. They offer 401k, benefits and full training and support. If you are the sort of person who enjoys helping others, it may work well for you. Contact me if it sounds like a good fit.
SKIP the MLM stuff that is very expensive.
Cleaning is a good answer.
Stuffing envelopes (for the mortgage or real estate club locally)
Taking in ironing is good (single guys especially, older men who dont do the dry cleaner), you coudl take in laundry
Good Luck
eBay is a good option. You may find this guide helpful in answering your questions about eBay. It is written from my own experience from selling for 4 years. I’ve sold about 12,000 items.
Best of luck to you!
Hi Shana! Have you tried doing direct sales before? What things have you tried in the past that have failed for you or you have found to be a scam? I personally do direct sales through a company called Sensaria Natural Bodycare. We do spa parties (facials, foot soaks, hand massages…) and I just loved the message the company sends out about women taking care of themselves. What are some things you enjoy…There are so many different companies. Shop around! Good luck!
I am a mother of five. All under the ranges of 9 years to 10 months.
I came across an oppurtunity last year and joined it .For which I am thankful that I did.It is a legit company with the BBB and is is a mulitimillion company.There are people making a six digit income through this.For more information check out the websites:
Good Luck!!
There are a number of legitimate online businesses at To be successful, you have to sell locally as well as promote online. It’s not get rich quick and takes a while to build it up.
Check this website out. It works for me. Mind you every home business is not for everybody!! Judge for yourself if its something YOU would be successful at.
Try researching it in the Business Opportunity Search Engine
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