home jobs
Amanda K asked:

I have been researching and I have found a couple, but they are not totally what I am looking for.

Website Chat
home based business
Heather R asked:

I started one that has a start up free of $170 and I only have to do MY PART for about 10/15 min. Then the product sells its self. I just sit back, eat yummy food, visit and enjoy myself. I walk away with money that day.

I am wondering if anyone besides myself is interested in starting up something like this that sells itself? Or has home based businesses stopped being a fad? I want to grow my business, help people see how fun and easy it is without being a pressure upline person. I only want to do a couple of parties a month but want to be encouraging of someone who signs up under me wants to do 20 a month or 40 a month. Do you think that there are people out there frustrated with the one they are in or ready to jump ship and hit a fresh new idea?

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online jobs
Angela asked:

Not $10 per stuffed envelope crap, but are there any real legit home-based jobs? Where you don’t have to pony up money first?

Website Chat
home based
Clarier asked:

Do you have any tips on setting up a home-based self-publishing house in Toronto? Any business plan sample? Any considerations and prospects of publishing in the GTA region?

Gaming User
home jobs
houston15 asked:

Real home based businesses!!!!!

hull City Chat
home jobs
ewad2k4 asked:

if you have experience with it, please do share, i livei n southern nevada, and i am pretty efficient with the internet. I will consider any type of business.

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home jobs
fitz b asked:

I know someone who is in one of these home based businesses. Everywhere she goes, she is passing out cards and giving her spiel, and in some cases, putting pressure on people. BUT what the problem is is that she doesn’t realize that there are certain places that she needs to keep her mouth shut. A friend of mine just had her 35th birthday party and she was there handing out cards and talking the business. Without saying, this was absolutely annoying to most everyone because this was a party in honor of someone else. The thing is is that in order for you to be truly successful at this, you have to contact EVERYONE you know and annoy them. I’ve heard stories where people have told off their friends that if they don’t back off, they will never speak to them again.

Gaming User
home jobs
mizelee31 asked:

Looking for data enrty, or customer service position. Anyone who is currently in a home-based position, how did u get through the application process? Looking to get any tips.

Game Player Online
online jobs
Nile I asked:

Does anyone know the best home based business opportunity (preferably with no or little upfront costs)?

Game Player Online
home jobs
Analia R asked:

I have been running a home based online travel business, specializing in trips to South America for about 3 years now. I am still trying to find out the best way to spend the money I set aside for marketing/advertising. I found out that trade shows are too expensive and do not produce results I’d hoped for. Is it worthwile hiring a PR/Marketing consultant?
Thank you
Analia Rupar
Eureka Travel
